Our family loves technology. We even had a Jaguar gaming system, and not too many people even know what that is. So of course we needed iPads…Kristin and Karen received theirs today, too, and we’re getting some good advice from them on apps.

The first thing I downloaded was the Genes to Cognition 3D Brain, and it was wonderful! Then of course, we had to have weather.com for iPad, even though we live in California and have no weather.

A New Toy!

I admit to some frustration in trying to get the iPad to work with my wireless router. I suspect that my password settings will need adjusting, but the nice people at NETGEAR are on the case. They responded to my inquiry immediately, which surprised me. It connected nicely to the wireless at our local coffee shop, but that’s not a secure network.

I’m sure we’ll figure out more things to do with the iPad in the next few days, but right now, it’s just fun to mess around with it.


V i x · May 1, 2010 at 8:26 am

I know that everyone loves technology but remember, I am in charge of all things video game when it comes to anyone in this family, so this means the video games are my decision to decide whether they’re acceptable or not. I still love video games, so don’t get me wrong, but what I dislike are the fanbases because they ruin everything they see, which makes me sad. No offense, but you know how much I protect my family from harm, and I want them to have a good reputation.

Anyway, congratulations on getting the iPad. I hope you, Dad, and my sisters enjoy it. I am also glad that you finally got it to work, and I hope you take good care of it. Because whenever you buy a piece of current technology, you need to handle it with care.

KanikaL · May 11, 2010 at 9:22 pm

While I must admit, I’m not as technologically savvy as most of my cohorts, the iPad looks like so much fun! Even seeing it the other day when you brought it into class, Dr. Freberg, was pretty cool. It looks even bigger in person. I don’t think I see it in my future, though. I get a little overwhelmed with scanning through apps for my friend’s iPhones, let alone my own iPad.
The latest news is that Google and Verizon are planning a rival smart tablet! Given Apple’s history, though, I doubt they have anything to worry about 🙂

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