Here are a few stories that I have found interesting and I hope you will, too!

“…the boundaries between us and other species are nowhere near to being as clearly defined as many people used to think,” said James Anderson of the University of Stirling

“We found a more positive response from participants during social searching, or when they had homed in on a particular target,” Wise said.

“Of course every employee is different, and what you consider a “dream job” might be someone else’s idea of a career nightmare. Because of this, a simple ranking may not be enough – you need to know what a particular job is really like on a day-to-day basis.”

1 Comment

kjchin · April 30, 2010 at 7:18 pm

I really enjoyed reading “The Joy in the Social Hunt” article. I know when I log onto facebook, I check my newsfeed. But then after that, I usually navigate “the site without a targeted goal in mind.” Even though the article says most people “social search,” which is looking for certain information. I think I’m more of a social browser. I’m not sure how familiar you are with Facebook, but I usually go on Facebook and look at my newsfeed and see what people have posted.

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