For many, Memorial Day is an extra day off from school, a chance for my college student neighbors to go wine tasting, opening day for community pools, or an excuse to dust off the grill.

As the mom of a soldier, I would hope that everybody take at least a few minutes to remember and thank the men and women in the military who are risking their lives so that we can enjoy these special moments with our friends and family members.

Categories: Psychology


eduax · June 6, 2007 at 10:57 pm

In the Mustang Daily, a day or two after memorial day there was a pretty scathing letter to the editor criticizing the fact that on the memorial day paper, there wasn’t ONE artical about the war, soldiers, or remembering our past battles, losses, and triumphs. I guess that says something about what interests the students at Cal Poly, but I was surprised because it seems like so many of the students here are on the conservative side…
You must be so pround of your daughter, I wish you and your family the very best.

marissapfohl · June 8, 2007 at 6:59 pm

I think that is such a shame that nothing was mentioned in the Mustang Daily. Especially since it is essentially our peers, around the ages of 22-25 that are over in Iraq and risking their lives for the benefit of everyone. We are so priveleged to be where we are today!

Laura Freberg · June 10, 2007 at 11:21 am

Thanks to both of you. We are very grateful that our daughter returned from Iraq in one piece, both physically and psychologically. I hope that thanking the troops is not politically controversial, but I’ve had some very weird responses to my yellow “support the troops” magnet on my car in the staff parking lot 🙁

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