I had a nice surprise in my mailbox this morning–a copy of our Student Study Guide for Discovering Biological Psychology. It’s a little late for our Neuroanatomy ID test last week and tomorrow’s midterm, but my guess is that some students will still find it useful for the remaining tests.

Student Study Guide for Discovering Biological Psychology 2e

Student Study Guide for Discovering Biological Psychology 2e

We were really happy to be able to incorporate a coloring book feature suggested by some of our adopters. A lot of faculty like an anatomy coloring book, but most on the market are geared towards medical curricula instead of biological psychology. Other features include keyterm exercises and practice tests written by yours truly.

If you want to see what the coloring book features look like, you can see more here.


steelersfan086 · April 27, 2009 at 9:35 pm

I am very excited to use the study guide! Do you know when it will be in the bookstore or at Aida’s? I want to use it for our second midterm. The coloring pages will be a good tool to use to study and I think on the syllabus it mentions that we get extra credit for those too right? Overall, this is going to be a great study tool!

helenasetiawan · April 28, 2009 at 8:19 pm

Ooh! It came.. it looks real snazzy! I think i need to use it for my second midterm.. I have a feeling I didn’t do so hot on the first one today!!! ALthough i definately felt very comfortable taking the Neuro ID test. Owell, maybe something to help boost my grade up for the 2nd midterm!

ACroson · April 29, 2009 at 10:28 am

How ironic that it came almost immediately after our midterm! I snatched mine up right after class, ready to start quizzing myself on the remaining chapters. Thank you for giving us this tool as well as the opportunity to get extra credit!

Laura Freberg · April 29, 2009 at 4:23 pm

I’m really sorry that the SG didn’t come in until after the Neuro ID and first midterm. That really was my fault–I had to tinker with the art pieces a lot. I’ll be looking forward to your feedback on whether it works or not.

Kenneth · May 6, 2009 at 9:40 pm

The study guide is good! However, its just kind of hard to do the coloring extra credit. The pages don’t take to the color to well. Its also is a good and quick review since the answers are right after the questions. (Don’t have to dig through the book for them)

Laura Freberg · May 7, 2009 at 6:19 am

Great feedback, everyone! Ken, thanks for pointing out the paper/color issue. Are you using colored pencils? I’ll look into this.

anhook · May 7, 2009 at 1:25 pm

I’m so glad there is a study guide to accompany the book. I can’t wait to use it for the second midterm and think it will be a great way to make sure we understand key concepts. And thank you so much for giving us the opportunity for extra credit! I’ve always loved coloring but haven’t had much time for it lately..now I have an excuse!

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