I was delighted to receive my instructor’s iClicker set via UPS today. This consists of two of the clicker remotes (blue for instructors, so you don’t get them confused with the students’ white remotes), a base unit that plugs into a USB drive, and a flash drive holding the software you need (in case you use computers installed in classrooms instead of your own).

My New Toy

My New Toy

One of the really nice features of the remote is that it advances your PowerPoint presentation, too, so you’re not juggling a bunch of remotes in front of the classroom.

I’m really looking forward to practicing with this so that I can run my iClicker sessions smoothly when Spring Quarter starts up. So far, student feedback about this technology has been very positive.

I’m going to be hard at work putting together some questions and polls for Discovering Biological Psychology. I think it’s going to be fun! Stay tuned!