For a lot of Americans, Veterans Day is a holiday, a time off from work, a chance for one last barbecue before it gets too cold. It’s all too easy to forget the real purpose of the day–honoring the men and women who have served and continue to serve all of us by protecting the freedoms that we hold so dear.

Our Own Favorite Veteran

Our Own Favorite Veteran

As I sit here at my computer (my choice from many brands), in a home of my choice, with a career of my choice, married to a man of my choice, with the ability to travel where I choose, wearing clothing of my choice, drinking coffee of my favorite brand, holding religious and political views of my choice, writing my ideas without fear of censorship, imprisonment, or death, I stand in awe of what living in America means. This unprecedented level of freedom that Americans enjoy would not be possible without the sacrifices and courage of our men and women in the military. Thank you!

And a special thank you to our own favorite veteran, Kristin!

Categories: Psychology


mama5512 · November 11, 2008 at 9:47 pm

YES THANK YOU!!! We do live in a wondeful place where individuals can be individuals and view and speak their minds. Heros dont have to superman, batman, spiderman and etc.., but people that surround us (OUR VETERANS); as our friends, family, neighbors and or strangers who have fought for the FREEDOM that we should greatly appreciate. THANKS ONCE AGAIN !!! This one is for you Roosie (SGT BROWN). Wishing all the soliders a safe return home. You guys (ladies and gentlemen) are MY HEROS.

nikkinate · November 12, 2008 at 3:53 pm

In society today, so many people take everything for granted. I even find myself sometimes being selfish and not realizing how truly LUCKY I am. We live in a country that provides individuals with an abundance of opportunities, freedoms, rights, and more! Yesterday was Veteran’s Day, an annual holiday honoring military veterans, the veterans that died for our country so we could be where we are today! Thank you so much everyone who has helped contribute to this great advance! Also, I am sorry for all those who have lost loved ones due to this ongoing fight for more freedom!

jessberry · November 12, 2008 at 5:23 pm

I’m glad that you pointed out the real reason from our day off yesterday. Like most I enjoyed the extra time off by spending my day studying for midterms, however I didn’t stop to think why we had the day off. I think it is extremely important to remember why we have a Veterans day, especially today being that we have soliders overseas fighting while the rest of us enjoy life here at home. If not for those men and women we would probably not be able to enjoy our comfortable lifestyles. So thank you Veterans, I hope you realize how much you are appreciated!

joshpollitz · November 12, 2008 at 6:36 pm

I strongly agree. I think it’s easy to lose sight of what allows us to have our lifestyle that we all are so fond of. It’s only in America, I hear a least, that we can be in a war and nearly all of that time be completely blind to that fact. Most countries have to do things to take their mind off the atrocities, while most the of time we have to be reminded of the soldiers fighting for what we do enjoy so much. So thank you.

cgieseke · November 12, 2008 at 8:37 pm

these proud veterans are the people who earned our freedom and allowed to live any lifestyle which we choose. It’s truly amazing how these brave soldiers risk their lives for the better of their nation, their friends, and their family. I have a couple of close friends who have entered the services and I would like to thank them along with all other american troops for representing the United States and giving us citizens a hero-type-figure to look up to.

Jaclyn Shostrom · December 2, 2008 at 3:31 pm

Although it is now a few weeks after Veteran’s day, reading this made me think about the real meaning of it…probably more than I actually thought about it on the real veteran’s day. As you said in class this morning, how many people would want to be in our spot sitting in class? We complain about how boring and stressed we get, but those may actually be luxuries considering what we’re stressing about isn’t really life threatening. We are lucky to be where we are in America and I thank all of the veterans out there who have served our country especially my uncle, a retired member of the air force.

eejensen · December 3, 2008 at 3:32 pm

In our society today it is easy to lose sight of what is important, I know that I sometimes do, this is why I’m so glad you pointed out how important this day is. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for us. Without our country and our lives would be much different today. I have family members (my dad and brother) and friends who have served and are currently serving our country. These are all people I look up to and I’m glad they’re getting the recognition they deserve. Thank you.

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