My daughter gave me some ‘light reading’ — it was a copy of her dissertation!

Here is what I am reading today:

“What links speed, power, and the color red? Hint: it’s not a sports car. It’s your muscles. A new study, published in the journal Emotion, finds that when humans see red, their reactions become both faster and more forceful. And people are unaware of the color’s intensifying effect.”

“Though people with autism face many challenges because of their condition, they may have been capable hunter-gatherers in prehistoric times, according to a paper published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology in May.”

“Males within two human ancestral species that existed roughly 2.7 to 1.7 million years ago were stay-at-home fellows, while females of these same species travelled, according to a new Nature paper.”

“3. I teach all about obedience to authority and influence and the bystander effect and critical thinking…but  I listen and say “yes, sir” when a guy in an orange vest (who didn’t look like a cop) asks me to move my car away from the airport when I’m idling for two minutes waiting to pick up my wife. Another time, I was with a fellow psychology professor and we saw a very drunk guy wandering in the middle of the road. We both agreed that someone else should call the police.”

““What I like about the research happening in PR is that it’s really all across the board,” she said. “We are looking at how corporations are using social media. We have interviews with professionals determining what their use is and their opportunities. And then there’s looking at perceptions with reputation management, looking at how people perceive someone as credible or not. As each year goes by it’s becoming more rigorous and definitely more interdisciplinary.””

1 Comment

Robert Landon · June 5, 2011 at 9:54 pm

The article about the color red was very interesting! The author briefly alludes to the flushing of the face, as in anger, as an evolutionary characteristic that leads to increased strength and time of response. Other emotions, such as embarrassment, also lead to flushing of the face and illicit a much different response from the viewer, such as empathy (or humor!). With this, I wonder what other factors may be involved in the historical increased speed and strength of reaction to red. Also, the author introduced one researcher as doing research on interest in the opposite sex when a person is wearing red. I’d be interested to learn as to why. That was a very interesting and fun article.

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