Robert Rescorla's Yale Psychology Lab

Robert Rescorla's Yale Psychology Lab ... we were all so much younger then ... no that's not me... I was taking the picture!

Here are a few readings for today:

” Researchers at the Allen Institute for Brain Science and SRI International have published the most systematic study to date of the effects of sleep deprivation on gene expression in the brain. The findings have implications for improving the understanding and management of the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on brain function.”

“Stone Age humans were only able to develop relatively advanced tools after their brains evolved a greater capacity for complex thought, according to a new study that investigates why it took early humans almost two million years to move from razor-sharp stones to a hand-held stone axe.”

“What you may not know is that shape lends more to the enjoyment of a good cookie than you think. Presentation helps you feel more satisfied when it’s appealing. If you’re a scientist, these shapes will draw you in immediately! Erlenmeyer flasks, test-tubes, beakers and the stylized electron-cloud atomic structure cookie cutters in this set make your cookies reflect the science with which they were made. No truly scientific baker would ever go without a set of these cookie cutters!”


natzafis · November 5, 2010 at 1:36 pm

When deciding which article to read about, the very first article for today jumped out at me because sleep deprivation is my middle name. I have experienced sleep deprivation enough to know a general idea of the impacts it has on my ability to concentrate and my moodiness, but it was eye-opening reading about findings that showed the extremity of sleep deprivation on the brain and cognitive functioning. While I normally end up sleep deprived as a result of studying and cramming last minute for a midterm or final, the article discusses how memory is negatively affected by lack of sleep and ends up hurting performance on tests that require recall of extensive information. It was also scary reading that sleep deprivation is linked to chronic diseases and other serious health problems. Being more aware of these significant consequences makes me want to incorporate more hours of sleep into my daily schedule.

Vix · November 6, 2010 at 2:54 am

Speaking of cookie cutters, I would like to make animal cookies again sometime, maybe in Christmas. It was fun giving you one when you came home from Greece. I also remember when I was eating those Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies during our trip to Karen’s track meet in Arizona back in 2003, you were vacuuming the car shortly after the trip and saw these little balls: “What are those?” I can’t help it, what you said just made me laugh.

Tweets that mention Laura’s Psychology Blog » readings in psychology for november 4th 2010 -- · November 4, 2010 at 11:43 am

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Laura Freberg, Laura Freberg. Laura Freberg said: New blog post today: readings in psychology for november 4th 2010: Here are a few readings for today: sleep depriv… […]

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