Celebrating our 38th Wedding Anniversary

Celebrating our 38th Wedding Anniversary

“Everyone knows that walking limbers the aging body, but did you know it keeps the mind supple as well? Research shows that walking can actually boost the connectivity within brain circuits, which tends to diminish as the grey hairs multiply.”

“An international team of scientists, led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, has identified misfolding and other molecular anomalies in a key brain protein associated with autism spectrum disorders.”

” Inflammation is associated with lower intelligence and premature death, according to Swedish scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. “Those with low-grade inflammation performed more poorly on standardised intelligence tests, even after excluding those with signs of current illness. Inflammation also predicted an increased risk of premature death,” said lead researcher Dr Hakan Karlsson.”

” How does your brain know where your hand has to go to pick up a cup of coffee and successfully bring this to your mouth? By converting all of the information into coordinates of the eye discovered Dutch researcher Sabine Beurze. Unravelling those calculations will make it possible to more accurately control arm prostheses.”

1 Comment

V i x · September 14, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Your “current story” blogs are very helpful, by the way. It helps me know how you and the rest of the family think of the world.

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