what I am reading today!

A view from our walk around San Luis Obispo

Here’s what I am reading today, I hope you enjoy it!

the evolution of emotion

“But the eminent naturalist (Charles Darwin) made important contributions to more than just the life sciences. It turns out Darwin was also an early experimental psychologist.”

exercise and mental acuity

“The tantalizing question for those of us in middle age and beyond (I am 52) is whether this short-term cognitive benefit can be replicated over the long haul. Can exercise help keep our minds sharp? And if so, can it help delay or prevent the truly terrifying mental deterioration of dementia, most commonly seen as Alzheimer’s disease?”

males babies lost due to stress of 9/11

“A study in BMC Public Health found 12% more male babies were lost in September 2001 after the 20th week of pregnancy than in a “normal” September.”


carlysamelso · May 26, 2010 at 8:55 pm

I thought this article was extremely interesting. I am also enrolled in Abnormal Psychology this quarter and it made me think about all the effects of PTSD. I didn’t think that something like 9/11 could affect the births of males or females. As I thought about it more, I wondered if there were less births simply because people’s sex drive was lower. Could the stress of 9/11 induced miscarriage? It’s a very interesting concept, but one that many mothers should take into account when they are pregnant.

EspieW-PSY340 · May 29, 2010 at 3:49 pm

I found this article interesting. I hadn’t thought about 9/11 having an effect on births. I was watching the news live when the planes hit the towers. I felt disbelief and was horrified. I believe I was in shock the whole day. Later in the day, the news displayed people jumping to their death. Yes; I believe it is very probable that the stress from 9/11 could have caused miscarriage.

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