a current story
the no-willpower diet
“If you’re like many Americans, you probably started the new year with a resolution to lose weight. And like many Americans, your willpower is probably faltering about now.” (READ MORE)
“If you’re like many Americans, you probably started the new year with a resolution to lose weight. And like many Americans, your willpower is probably faltering about now.” (READ MORE)
My readings for today: learning sex difference in gibbons “Differences in the way male and female learning has evolved have been revealed by new research into gibbons, conducted by the University of Abertay Dundee.” alzheimer’s plaques may start in the liver “Unexpected results from a Scripps Research Institute and ModGene, Read more…
Here are some readings for today: happiness and health and life “A review of more than 160 studies of human and animal subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that — all else being equal — happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers.” Read more…
Here is what I am reading today: Mug Shots taken over the short life of a drug addict 21 sets of mug shots of addicts taken over a few year period show tremendous signs of the devastating impact of drugs on the face, alone. visions of Africa shaped eye evolution Read more…
Here is what I am reading today: butterflies have a brain GPS? “A new study takes a close look at the brain of the migratory monarch butterfly to better understand how these remarkable insects use an internal compass and skylight cues to navigate from eastern North America to Mexico each Read more…