Here is what I am reading today:

“Researchers at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam have discovered a universal property of musical scales. Until now it was assumed that the only thing scales throughout the world have in common is the octave.”

“How does your best friend feel when people act needy? Or, about people being dishonest? What do they think when others seem uncomfortable in social situations? According to an upcoming study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, if you don’t know – your relationship may pay a price.”

“PUT a newborn chick in front of a print of Escher’s impossible staircases and it just might scratch its head. The vertebrate brain appears to be hard-wired at birth to comprehend a 3D world – and is flummoxed by geometries that don’t make sense.”

“Never have we been so excited about putting our tray tables in the full upright and locked position. In this brand-new spot produced for Air New Zealand, you’ll see the usual suspects: There are the attractive, diverse, impeccably groomed flight attendants; the mild-anxiety-inducing notifications about life vests and air masks; the admonitions to search for the nearest exit.”