always fun to take a daily walk with the family!

always fun to take a daily walk with the family!

Here are are a few stories that I have found interesting and I hope you will, too!

3400 year old music still has some appeal!

Phoenician Ahiram the King of Byblos, Phoenicia, lived c. 1250 B.C. His sarcophagus is inscribed with the single oldest document in history that contains all the letters of the Phoenician alphabets. The music honors the king and his coronation.

For comfort, Mom’s voice works as good as a hug!

“The children who got to interact with their mothers had virtually the same hormonal response, whether they interacted in person or over the phone,” Seltzer says.

Most high schoolers cheat, but don’t see it that way!

“Students generally understand what constitutes cheating, but they do it anyway,” said Kenneth Kiewra, professor of educational psychology at UNL and one of the study’s authors. “They cheat on tests, homework assignments and when writing reports. In some cases, though, students simply don’t grasp that some dishonest acts are cheating.”

New evidence for sudden insight, eureka!

A recent study provides intriguing information about the neural dynamics underlying behavioral changes associated with the development of new problem solving strategies.’

Caffeine reduces mistakes!

Caffeine can help those working shifts or nights to make fewer errors, according to a new study by Cochrane researchers. The findings have implications for health workers and for any industry relying on shift or night work, such as transportation.

2 proteins are key for normal head size

“Given the link between head circumference, intelligence deficits and psychiatric disorders, these findings have implications for our understanding of how abnormalities in brain development can play a role in a number of diseases…”