Although Roger read my brother’s blog since its beginning in 2006, I was rarely able to do so. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and I knew that when Leroy’s cancer returned in the form of a brain tumor in 2005 that this was definitely not a good thing. I remember him calling to tell me the news, and how he brightened up when I said that the technology was moving along at light speed, and that doctors could do things now that weren’t even imagined a couple of years ago. He, and the doctors at Johns Hopkins, gave everything a try, but it wasn’t enough to save him. He bought time–for one more trip to Hawaii and for finding out how Harry Potter turned out. His blog inspired many, and I’m sure that he has a legacy at Johns Hopkins in the form of the knowledge gained from his treatment.

Here are some further links:

Karen’s Post

Roger’s Post


This has been a tough year for the family, with my mom’s passing away in March and now Leroy. We try to remember the good times.

Uncle Leroy getting scrutiny from his niece, the future combat engineer.

Uncle Leroy getting scrutiny from his niece, the future combat engineer.

Categories: Psychology