"the tastiest bookmark on the web"

"the tastiest bookmark on the web" My daughter Karen pointed this wonderful and fun web tool to me!

Here is what I am reading today:

“Need to improve your math skills or do your taxes faster? Try zapping your brain with electricity. Researchers have shown that administering a small electrical charge to the brain may enhance a person’s ability to process numbers for up to 6 months. The team says the approach, which it claims is harmless, could one day restore numerical skills in people suffering from degenerative diseases or stroke, and it may even improve the math abilities of the general population.”

“Evolutionary wars of the sexes are less easily resolved than previously thought. Even when such genetic conflicts appear to have been settled, knock-on effects can still disadvantage the other sex.”

“Whether people sleep a lot or a little may depend in part on a gene that also determines whether fruit flies snooze all night. Geneticists studying sleep duration in people scanned the DNA of more than 4,200 Europeans, looking for genes associated with a person’s average nightly sleep time.”