Apple Pie from Our Tree!

Here is a wonderful pie from our anniversary party! YUM! CLICK on the picture for our delicious recipe!

“Just how confident are you that you made the right decision? New research has uncovered a part of the brain that’s larger in people who seem particularly introspective. Some people know their minds better than others, and research being reported Friday is a step at understanding the biology behind that important part of human consciousness. It’s work necessary for one day tackling brain injuries or diseases that rob people of key aspects of self-reflection — such as the schizophrenia patients who aren’t aware that they’re ill and thus don’t take their medication”

“There is an initial shock upon first glance at Connie Culp, the woman who received the nation’s first face transplant nearly two years ago. She taps her way through the hospital waiting room, feeling along the floor with a cane and smiling hesitantly at a visitor, even though she can only make out shadows and shapes.  Her face is wide and square-jawed. It is altogether too large for her diminutive frame, and therein lies the jolt of surprise: Up close, it’s clear that this face does not belong to that body”