I am more of a Zelda person, Karla and Dad have been waiting for the latest in the Halo Series!  CLICK on the picture to travel to their official site!

I am more of a Zelda person, Karla and Dad have been waiting for the latest in the Halo Series! CLICK on the picture to travel to their official site!

Here are a few readings for today:

video games lead to faster decisions

” Cognitive scientists from the University of Rochester have discovered that playing action video games trains people to make the right decisions faster. The researchers found that video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on around them, and this benefit doesn’t just make them better at playing video games, but improves a wide variety of general skills that can help with everyday activities like multitasking, driving, reading small print, keeping track of friends in a crowd, and navigating around town.”

No surprise, children and adults see the world differently!

“Unlike adults, children are able to keep information from their senses separate and may therefore perceive the visual world differently, according to new research”