Roger & I share a single iPad and we both enjoy it's wide and varied aps from FLIPBOARD to Sudoku and all the many aps available!
Roger & I share a single iPad and we both enjoy it’s wide and varied aps from FLIPBOARD to Sudoku and all the many aps available! CLICK on the above picture to see how iPad works!

Here are a few fun readings for today:

“You might think that such a revelation would encourage you to rethink your beliefs. But a new study suggests people often react just the opposite: people grow more confident in some beliefs when they find out later that a majority of people disagree with them.”

“Thinking about God may make you less upset about making errors, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The researchers measured brain waves for a particular kind of distress-response while participants made mistakes on a test. Those who had been prepared with religious thoughts had a less prominent response to mistakes than those who hadn’t.”

‘”Americans are taking unnecessary risks on rural roads,” says Lee Munnich, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Excellence in Rural Safety (CERS), which sponsored the survey. “They’re more relaxed and comfortable with risk-taking on the roads where they are most likely to be killed. We have a lot of education to do.”‘

“Reaching 40 feet long and weighing up to 15 tons, whale sharks are the world’s largest fish. They feed by filtering plankton and fish eggs from a vortex created by their opening mouths — and as shown in a first-of-its-kind photograph of a whale shark pooping, activities at the other end of the fish are equally behemoth in proportion.”

“Simply wearing the color red or being bordered by the rosy hue makes a man more attractive and sexually desirable to women, according to a series of studies by researchers at the University of Rochester and other institutions. And women are unaware of this arousing effect.”

“An animal living in a world where it is regularly threatened by predators will develop a negative emotion or ‘mood’, such as anxiety, whereas one in an environment with plenty of opportunities to acquire resources for survival will be in a more positive mood state.”