CLICK on picture above to check out what happened this year at Comic Con!

comic con toys to thrill

“SAN DIEGO — Get ready to seriously spoil your inner child, because Comic-Con International is here and so are the exclusive toys. This year’s limited-edition offerings range from a gigantic plush doll to a bobblehead of a serial killer, a fanboy action figure, and the perfect Christmas gift for your stingy boss. These made our heads spin as we tried our best to not check out the Hawaii Five-0 hula girls.”

iPad joins the Academia this fall

“The iPad is about to have its academic chops put to the test this fall in a number of programs around the country. Colleges and universities are looking to adopt the iPad as a collaborative tool, a standardized mobile device to integrate into curriculums, and, in some cases, even a cost-saving device.

social web and its tipping point

“EVERY move you make, every twitter feed you update, somebody is watching you. You may not think twice about it, but if you use a social networking site, a cellphone or the internet regularly, you are leaving behind a clear digital trail that describes your behaviour, travel patterns, likes and dislikes, divulges who your friends are and reveals your mood and your opinions. In short, it tells the world an awful lot about you.”

why more education lowers dementia

“A team of researchers from the UK and Finland has discovered why people who stay in education longer have a lower risk of developing dementia — a question that has puzzled scientists for the past decade”