a view coming down from Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro

Here is what I am reading now that finals week is over!

Barbara McLaughlan, campaigns manager at the Royal National Institute of Blind People, said: “Laser pointers are deceptive. They look safe but they can be very dangerous, particularly ones available on the internet which may possess a very strong beam.

The model was designed to reflect neurological evidence that in the primate brain, object identification — deciding what an object is — and object location — deciding where it is — are handled separately.

The findings, reported June 8 in PLoS Biology, offer a new perspective on the psychiatric and cognitive disorders that affect patients with diabetes and suggest new strategies for treating these conditions.

Until now, the scientific community had thought that whistles were the main sounds made by these mammals, and were unaware of the importance and use of burst-pulsed sounds.

Rather than a few genes that raise the risk of autism throughout the population, scientists are finding dozens of genes that spur disease, many of them in just one or two people.

Depression is a chemical imbalance, most people think. Researchers, drug manufacturers, and even the Food and Drug Administration assert that antidepressants work by “normalizing” levels of brain neurotransmitters—chemical messengers such as serotonin.

Rich in protein and nutrients, these foods may have played a key role in the development of a larger, more human-like brain in our early forebears, which some anthropologists believe happened around 2 million years ago, according to the researchers’ study