Even those of us who have been in the classroom over 30 years can learn new tricks about teaching, and a great place to do that is at the various Teaching of Psychology (ToP) conferences held around the country (with the granddaddy being NiTop in Tampa each January).

If you can’t get away to Tampa this year (and hey, who says you can’t attend more than one teaching conference), Brian Burke would love to see you at Mountain ToP in beautiful Durango, CO on October 6 and 7, 2007. Featured speakers include my fellow Houghton Mifflin author, Doug Bernstein, and heavy hitters Bill Buskist, Susan Nolan, and David Daniel. Presentations include active learning with Doug, learning from Master Teachers with Bill, PowerPoint presenting (we can all use some tips here) with David, and making statistics “come alive” with Susan.

I always learn something new from Doug’s presentations–I guess there’s something about having taught those 1000 plus intro sessions that brings out the best in a teacher.

Brian says that the conference fills up quickly, so if you’re interested, registering right away is a good idea.

Complete conference information is available on the conference website. Enjoy!