wouldn't it be nice if smoeone's nose got longer when they lied?

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone’s nose grew when they lied to you?

Long ago, we told one of our daughters — while she was very young — that her nose would turn ‘purple’ if she wasn’t telling us the complete truth. One day, we asked a simple exploratory question and she immediately covered her nose and tried as best she could to disguise her answer. However in real life, discovering the truth for many of us is never quite that easy.

Here is a short presentation  that I offer to my classes on this universal concern of college students — when do you know if he or she is lying to you? What are the signs? Can you ever be really certain? When is it reasonable to trust what people are saying and when is your trust misplaced?

Other Interesting links: Science News; Polygraph & Lie Detection; Paul Eckman & microexpressions