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I often receive requests from public relations firms and advocacy groups wanting me to help publicize a number of worthy causes, but I usually do not do this on my blog. In this case, however, I decided to do so.

Jonathan Haidt, who is probably best known in psychology for expressing concern about the lack of political diversity among psychologists, is giving an online presentation on the subject of marriage. The presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, at 6 p.m. EST (3 p.m. for my California students). The talk has an intriguing title–“Can We Get Beyond the Marriage Culture Wars: Is a New Marriage Conversation Possible?” I certainly hope so, as I have little patience with “culture wars” in general, and I’ll be interested in seeing what Haidt has to say.  My impression of his other work is that he presents an all-too-rare common-sense viewpoint.

If you do get a chance to tune into his talk (I plan to do so) and wish to have a conversation here, let’s do that.