Our daughter Kristin was married to Scott Saling on 28 June in the Wedding Pavilion at Disney World. She was definitely a princess bride!

Here is what I am reading today:

“As each day passes, the pace of life seems to accelerate — demands on productivity continue ever upward and there is hardly ever a moment when we aren’t, in some way, in touch with our family, friends, or coworkers. While moments for reflection may be hard to come by, a new article suggests that the long-lost art of introspection — even daydreaming — may be an increasingly valuable part of life.”

“When someone makes you angry, try to pretend you’re viewing the scene at a distance — in other words, you are an observer rather than a participant in this stressful situation. Then, from that distanced perspective, try to understand your feelings.

Researchers call this strategy “self-distancing.””

“U.S. Track and Field sports psychologist Dr. Steve Portenga is releasing the world’s most advanced sport and performance psychology mobile app for the iPhone this month, with his Olympic athletes among the first to use it. Also the CEO and Founder of iPerformance Psychology, Dr. Portenga has developed the iPerformance Sport & Performance Psychology Mental Skills Trainer app behind eight years of direct professional experience and proven industry data on how to maximize sports performance beyond physical skills.”