CLICK on the above picture to listen to my brief 10 minute interview .

John Cacioppo and I are proud to introduce our new textbook:

Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind. ( March 2012)

CLICK to visit my web pages on our revolutionary new approach to understanding and teaching Psychological Science

This is not your typical ‘modular’ textbook that treats each topic
as a separate, stand-alone unit.

In the spirit of the great American psychologist William James, our
textbook integrates the formerly disparate fields of psychology into an
interrelated, breathing and living discipline. Just as we struggle to
understand the nature of our being, we also study the ways we are
nurtured and how this interaction of nature and nurture changes
over time. We discuss how psychology is also one of the “hub
sciences”–a major contributor to human knowledge and to our
understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Here is how our publisher describes a recorded webinar with John
Cacioppo in which he discusses this new approach:

“We’d like to invite you to view author John Cacioppo’s recorded
webinar on:

The Discipline of Psychology: How it’s changing,
and implications for how psychology is now taught.

Join us!



(available: March 2012)