Roger loves these little candid shots of me. Here I am looking for an obscure ,but important, little book that was in our library.

Here is what I am reading today:

“”Brain cap” technology being developed at the University of Maryland allows users to turn their thoughts into motion. Associate Professor of Kinesiology José ‘Pepe’ L. Contreras-Vidal and his team have created a non-invasive, sensor-lined cap with neural interface software that soon could be used to control computers, robotic prosthetic limbs, motorized wheelchairs and even digital avatars.”

“Couples who get to know each other before being intimate have a better chance of having a lasting relationship, but in some cases even a casual fling can lead to true love, according to a new research. Most of the 56 percent of 642 adults questioned in the study who said they had waited until they got serious before they had sex reported having a high quality relationship.”

“Brains shrink in humans, potentially causing a number of health problems and mental illnesses as people age, but do they shrink to the same extent in the closest living relatives to humans–the chimpanzees?”

“German researchers have used drivers’ brain signals, for the first time, to assist in braking, providing much quicker reaction times and a potential solution to the thousands of car accidents that are caused by human error.”

“First of all, let’s state the obvious: There are some things that good relationships just have to have — it’s no secret that without trust, honesty and attraction, you’re waging an uphill battle. And let’s not sugar-coat what we mean by “happy.” Even the most blissful of spouses get the urge to fling the occasional forkful of mashed potatoes at each other for leaving crumbs in the butter.

But all that aside, happy couples make a conscious decision to be just that: happy. And they do simple, practical things to keep the spark bright.”