sweet and sour pork

One of our favorite recipes is Cantonese Sweet and Sour Pork CLICK for the recipe and step-by-step directions! Lots of work but the impressions are everything!

Here is what I am reading today:

21 sets of mug shots of addicts taken over a few year period show tremendous signs of the devastating impact of drugs on the face, alone.

“On an African savanna 10 million years ago, our ancestors awoke to the sun rising over dry, rolling grasslands, vast skies, and patterned wildlife. This complex scenery influenced the evolution of our eyes, according to a new study, guiding the arrangement of light-sensitive cone cells. The findings might allow researchers to develop machines with more humanlike vision: efficient, accurate, and attuned to the natural world.”

It is amazing how some wonderful things continue to influence our attitudes and culture! — Laura