everyone needs a library

It's never been a better time to buy books and start your own private library! CLICK on the picture above to see a little of the books I love!


Here are a few stories that caught my eye today:

“The rate of illegal drug use rose last year to the highest level in nearly a decade, fueled by a sharp increase in marijuana use and a surge in ecstasy and methamphetamine abuse, the government reported Wednesday.”

“Researchers have found an association between physical fitness and the brain in 9- and 10-year-old children: Those who are more fit tend to have a bigger hippocampus and perform better on a test of memory than their less-fit peers.”

“The research, which was published in the journal NeuroImage, uses functional brain imaging to assess how the environment impacts upon our brain functions”

“There are signs, some would say omens, glimmering in certain children’s demeanors that, probably ever since there were children, have caused parents’ brows to crinkle with worry, precipitated forced conversations with nosy mothers-in-laws, strained marriages and ushered untold numbers into the deep covenant of sexual denial”

“The team analysed hormone levels in young men and showed pictures to a group of women. It found a strong link between low levels of the stress hormone cortisol in men and how attractive they were to the opposite sex. The research also discovered no link between high levels of the sex hormone testosterone and sex appeal.”

“There are many more ways to get the news these days, and as a consequence Americans are spending more time with the news than over much of the past decade.  Digital platforms are playing a larger role in news consumption,  and they seem to be more than making up for modest declines in the audience for traditional platforms. As a result, the average time Americans spend with the news on a given day is as high as it was in the mid-1990s, when audiences for traditional news sources were much larger.”